New Model Creation Options

The New Model Creation dialog enables you to set the initial parameters for your model. All fields in this dialog must be filled. If importing topographic information, the dialog will capture as much information as possible from the source. If no data are imported, each field must be set manually.

Geologic Strike Angle

The Geologic Strike Angle is the most critical orientation for modeling purposes, as it sets the orientation of the 2D/2½ D blocks in the model.

Define Area of Interest and Topography

You may import a data profile from a Geosoft Database or an ASCII file that defines your area of interest. The input (X,Y) data will be scanned to determine the location and orientation of your model. The first point in your profile will define the model origin and a best-fit line through the (X,Y) values is calculated as the default Azimuth of your model.

Profile Origin and Projection

For an imported data profile, the default Profile Origin is the (X,Y) location of the first point in the profile. If that profile is imported from a database, the Coordinate System and units will be read from the default X and Y channels in the database. If no Coordinate System is detected in the database, or the profile source is a text file, you must specify the Coordinate System and units using the Coordinate System Wizard [CoordSys] button. You will not be able to create the model without this information.

Cross-Section Orientation and Limits

The Cross-Section Azimuth is oriented perpendicular to the Geologic Strike Angle. By default, the profile is oriented in the nominal direction of any input profile, but you may reverse the direction. Changing the Azimuth to any other value will produce a corresponding change in the Geologic Strike Angle.

The Profile X limits define the horizontal extents of the initial 'Startup View', the limits of your area of interest. These values are calculated from the other inputs to include the full extent of your input profile, as projected onto the section defined by the Profile Origin and Azimuth. If you imported a data profile, the calculated Profile X limits will extend from X=0 (the origin) to the location of the last data point, as projected onto the model section. You may override these values, or enter your own if none have been calculated.

For a Depth model, the default Profile Z limits extend from 0 to 50 km. For a Time model, the Profile T limits extend from 0 to 10 seconds. In each case, this represents the full thickness of the initial “Crustal Rock” block. You may set the view limits differently, if you prefer.

Add Anomaly Data to New Model

Check this box if you have measured Anomaly data or wish to add “dummy” calculation stations immediately. Once the model is created, the Manage Anomaly Data spreadsheet will be presented and you may add or create observation stations. Otherwise, you may access these functions from the Manage Anomaly Data spreadsheet.

See Also: