Edit a Well

Change any aspect of the well: name, location, symbol, and/or horizons. The name may be any ASCII string, which will be displayed adjacent to the well symbol in the Cross-Section pane. The location of the well must be specified in model coordinates, and is shown by a well symbol in the Cross-Section and Plan View panes. You may select from a list of well symbols.

The depth of well horizons are specified relative to the top of the well, typically the Kelly Bushing or similar. Use ASCII strings to label well horizons in the Cross-Section pane.

Fonts used to display the well name and horizon names may be set in the Preferences dialog.

Well Name

The name of the well to be displayed by the well symbol on the Depth Cross Section.

Elevation (+ up)

The elevation of the top of the well, commonly the Kelly Bushing, against which all depth measurements are based.

X Coordinate

Distance along the profile, in model coordinates.

Y Coordinate

Offset from the profile, in model coordinates.

Well Symbol

Select a symbol from the list-box.

Current Setting

Preview of the currently-selected well symbol.

Well Horizons Options

Relative Depth
(+ down)

Depth from the top of the well to the first horizon marker.

Horizon Label

Text to display adjacent to the horizon marker.

Repeat for up to 10 horizons.