Manage Anomaly Data

The Manage Anomaly Data spreadsheet manages all information related to the data profiles being modelled.

Separate menus (listed below) manage the Gravity Survey and Magnetic Survey information. You can view, add, delete, replace, or modify any of the values in the spreadsheet, and you import new survey data.

Gravity Survey

Add New/Replace Existing

Add a new gravity survey profile (may include gravity gradiometry components for Advanced Profile license) to your model. This process complete replaces any gravity and/or gravity gradiometry observations currently stored in your model.

Adjust Station Elevations

Drape the gravity stations a fixed distance above topography.

Set Background Density

Set the density of the "Background" or "Air" block to the reduction density appropriate to your survey.

Set Gradient Axis Orientation

Specify the azimuth of the X-axis of your gradiometry survey.

Magnetic Survey

Add New/Replace Existing

Add a new gravity survey profile (may include gravity gradiometry components for Advanced Profile license) to your model. This process complete replaces any gravity and/or gravity gradiometry observations currently stored in your model.

Set Earth's Field

Specify the field components appropriate to your magnetic survey data.

Adjust Station Elevations

Drape the gravity stations a fixed distance above topography.

Set Background Susceptibility

Set the density of the "Background" or "Air" block to the reduction density appropriate to your survey.

Set Gradient Axis Orientation

Specify the azimuth of the X-axis of your gradiometry survey.


This menu includes general editing functions: add/delete rows in the spreadsheet table, or copy and paste values.

Application Notes

Because GM-SYS Profile Modelling requires that a gravity station exists at the same location as a gravity gradient measurement, additions and subtractions of stations for any gravity component will necessarily make changes to all corresponding stations for the other gravity components. The same relationship is true for magnetic and magnetic gradient data.

Generally, the details of a particular survey (i.e. Earth's Field parameters, background density) should be set when the data are imported and will not be changed during the modeling process. Adjusting station locations is most useful when creating theoretical models should be undertaken with caution when using "real" survey data.