Examine Block

Click the left mouse button when the cursor is within a block in the Cross-Section pane to activate the Block Attributes dialog box. Attributes (including fill colour and pattern) for the selected block may then be changed. Block attributes are described in detail in the Model Elements section.

LAS well files are imported each time the model is loaded, and up to 2 curves displayed according to the specifications in this dialog. The dialog is divided into three sections.

Main Block

This tab contains properties about the 2D block, or the main (middle) portion of the block if it is 2½-D.


The name of the block. Names do not need to be unique in a model.


Check to indicate that block will be truncated in the +/-Y direction. "Y+ Block" and "Y- Block" tabs will appear.

Show Label

Show the block label in the Cross-Section. This may be overridden in the Display menu.


Click to select foreground and background colours for the block fill. If solid pattern is selected, only the foreground colour is used.


Click to select a pattern for the block fill.

This Block

Make the block transparent by hiding the background colour.

All Blocks

Make all blocks in the model transparent.


Specify the block density.


Specify the block velocity.


Specify the block susceptibility.

Remanent Magnetization

Enter the magnitude of the remanent magnetization.

Remanent Inclination

Enter the remanent inclination.

Remanent Declination

Enter the remanent declination.

Y+ Block

You may specify an end length for the main block in the Y+ (out-of-screen) direction and different properties for the segment extending beyond this length.


Enter the distance from the profile in which the block properties are to change.


Click to select foreground and background colours for the block fill. If solid pattern is selected, only the foreground colour is used.


Click to select a pattern for the block fill.

This Block

Make the block transparent by hiding the background colour.

All Blocks

Make all blocks in the model transparent.


Specify the block density.


This value is read-only; it must be the same as the main block.


Specify the block susceptibility.

Remanent Magnetization

Enter the magnitude of the remanent magnetization.

Remanent Inclination

Enter the remanent inclination.

Remanent Declination

Enter the remanent declination.

Y- Block

You may specify an end length for the main block in the Y- (into-screen) direction and different properties for the segment extending beyond this length.


Enter the distance from the profile in which the block properties are to change.


Click to select foreground and background colours for the block fill. If solid pattern is selected, only the foreground colour is used.


Click to select a pattern for the block fill.

This Block

Make the block transparent by hiding the background colour.

All Blocks

Make all blocks in the model transparent.


Specify the block density.


This value is read-only; it must be the same as the main block.


Specify the block susceptibility.

Remanent Magnetization

Enter the magnitude of the remanent magnetization.

Remanent Inclination

Enter the remanent inclination.

Remanent Declination

Enter the remanent declination.

See Also: