Calculated Grid Response

Calculate any licensed component of the model response across a rectangular area and export as a georeferenced grid. The output grid will be georeferenced using the Coordinate System and azimuth assigned to the model. The response may be calculated at a constant elevation or a constant terrain separation.

By default, the dimensions of the grid are taken from the current Plan View. You may want to refine an existing View or create a special View for this, so that the grid dimensions and location are exactly as you would like.

Param. to Grid

Select gravity response, or a physical property to populate the grid.

Grid File

Specify the output grid name and location.

Elevation (Z)

Specify whether to calculate the response at a fixed elevation, or at a constant terrain separation.  Specify the value and units.

X Minimum
Cell Size

Specify the horizontal limits and cell size of the grid.

Y Minimum
Cell Size

Specify the vertical limits and cell size of the grid.