Manage Named Horizons

Use this dialog to create, modify, and export Named Horizons in the model. Named Horizons are groupings of contiguous model surfaces to create meaningful geologic or geophysical boundaries across the entire model. Populate the selected Named Horizon by clicking on adjacent surfaces in the model. Selected surfaces added to the Named Horizon will be highlighted.

The dialog consists of a list of named Horizons in the model on the left, and buttons to manipulate the loaded files on the right.

Manage Named Horizons dialog options

Named Horizon List

A list of Named Horizons in the model.

[New Horizon]

Create a new Named Horizon in the model so you can begin to add surfaces to it.

[Rename Selected]

Change the name of the selected Named Horizon.

[Delete Selected]

Permanently remove the selected Named Horizon from the model. This does not remove any actual surfaces from the model, but only removes the grouping of surfaces represented by the horizon name.

[Export Selected]

Call the Export Horizon dialog to generate an XYZ file containing Model or Real World coordinates of the selected Named Horizon.

[Export All] Export all Named Horizons to an evenly-sampled XYZ file in Real World coordinates.
[Clear Surfaces]

Clear all selected surfaces from the selected Named Horizon.

See Also: