Profile Origin and Projection

Use this dialog to specify the mapping between Model coordinates and external or real-world coordinates, which is necessary for Cursor Tracking between GM‑SYS and Oasis montaj, as well as for exporting model components in the original external coordinates.

The Origin maps the Model Origin (0,0,0) to a location in a generally-recognized geographic coordinate system, which is specified in the fields below.

When models are created from within Oasis montaj, the Coordinate System is inherited from the database or grids from which the model is built, and the Origin is automatically calculated.

You will be prompted each time you open a model that does not have the Coordinate System defined. At minimum, a coordinate system "Unknown" must be specified, with units.

Profile Origin and Projection dialog options

Origin X

The Y-coordinate of the Model Origin, in the coordinate system specified.

Origin Y

The Y-coordinate of the Model Origin, in the coordinate system specified.

Origin Z

The elevation represented by Z=0 in model coordinates. This value is almost always zero.

Coordinate system

A string which uniquely specifies the external coordinate system.

Coordinate system units

The distance units used by the specified coordinate system, followed by the factor by which to divide these units to convert to meters.


Open the Coordinate System GX to specify the external coordinate system.