Apply DC Shift

A constant or DC shift usually must be applied to the calculated gravity and/or magnetic data to match the observed data.

To Apply a DC Shift

  1. On the Profile menu, select Magnetic DC Shift or Gravity DC Shift. The DC Shift dialog appears. Both dialogs offer the same options.

  2. Select Auto to automatically calculate the DC Shift to minimize the RMS error. This will continually adjust the DC Shift as you edit your model.

    You may also select Absolute to enter the DC Shift explicitly.

    Select Station to specify a point at which the calculated and observed curves will be forced to match.

  3. In general, the fixed point should be near one end of the profile, in a section where you are not changing the geologic model. Editing the model near the fixed station may cause the DC Shift to change.
  4. Click OK to apply the changes. You are returned to the model.

See Also: