Single Block Response

Single Block Response enables you to view the contributions of individual blocks to the total model response. The response of each block is calculated relative to the properties of the "Background" block which surrounds the model; the magnetic properties of this block are always zero, while the density is typically zero or equal to the Bouguer reduction density.

By selecting Show SBRs in the Display Menu, the calculation and display of the response from selected blocks is turned on and the display of gradient curves is turned off.

Individual blocks may be (de)selected using the Manage SBRs option in the Cross-Section pop-up menu. GM-SYS Profile Modelling enables you to select up to six blocks at one time and view the response generated by each block as a colour-coded curve in the anomaly panes. The colours and line style used for each block response is configurable and may be modified by opening the Preferences menu and selecting Anomalies.

  • SBR selections are not saved with the model.