Block Foreground Colour

The Block Foreground Colour option displays a submenu that enables the user to select one of four choices for setting the foreground colour. The first option, User-Selected, uses the block-fill colour and pattern as set via the Examine Block function or via the Block spreadsheet.

The "Map to" options map block properties to colour tables:

  • Map to Density
  • Map to Susceptibility
  • Map to Remanent Magnetization
  • Map to Velocity

The relationships are defined via the Colour Tool. Using the Colour Tool, you can map a range of values for each block parameter to a different colour table.

  • Default mappings exist for each parameter, so you don't need to access the Colour Tool in order to use " Map to" options.
  • To Set Foreground Colour

    1. On the Overlay menu, select Block Foreground Colour. The submenu opens.

    2. Select the required block foreground option. The change appears in the model if one of the Map to options is selected.

    • If you select Colour Tool, the Colour Tool dialog appears.