Set Autocalc Limits

Set the upper, lower, and increment values for the slider tool. This enables you to select a reasonable range of values for the auto-calc slider tool, so you can see the effect of different properties.

For instance, if you are evaluating basement density, you might select a range of 2.55 - 2.85 g/cm3 for the slider and increments of 0.05. You may then move the slider in order to see how the gravity response changes as density changes.

To Set Autocalc Limits

  1. With the Examine tool selected, click a block. The Block properties dialog appears.

  2. Click A/C for the desired limit to set: Susceptibility or Magnetization. The specified dialog appears.

  3. Click the Limits button. The Limit dialog appears.

  4. Set the Lo limit for the Autocalc slider.

  5. Set the Hi limit for the Autocalc slider.

  6. Set the Liner Increments.

  7. Click OK. The changes show on the Autocalc Slider.

  8. Click Accept. You are returned to the Block dialog.

  9. Click OK. You are returned to the model.