Symbol Definition File (GMWIN.SDF)

The file "gmwin.sdf" is a symbol definition file found in the \etc subdirectory of your Oasis montaj distribution. The file contains a library of predefined symbols that may be mapped to flag values in the symbol files. You may add symbols to the end of this file as long as you adhere to the format.

  • Subsequent installations of GM‑SYS may overwrite this file, so you may wish to maintain a backup copy of any changes.
  • All symbols are scaled internally to be RefSymSize units in the longest dimension:

    // Symbol Definition File

    // Unit = 1/720"


    // DPI ;default DPI

    // RefSymSize ;(Optional) default symbol size




    DPI 1200

    RefSymSize 150


    //index 1 diamond

    DefSymbol diamond

    MoveTo 0 85

    LineTo 85 0

    LineTo 0 -85

    LineTo -85 0

    Lineto 0 85



    //index 2 +

    DefSymbol plus

    MoveTo 0 85

    LineTo 0 -85

    MoveTo -85 0

    LineTo 85 0
