Snapping a Model

GM‑SYS requires that the endpoints of all surfaces in a model be shared with another surface. Models which were created by drawing freehand, digitizing, or extracting surfaces from one or more external programs generally have some mismatch at the intersection of surfaces. Also, one or more surfaces in the imported model may cross, but share no common point at the intersection.

CVTGMS determines the misfit at all crossings and calculates a default "snap distance". Points separated by less than this distance will be "snapped" into a single location. If surfaces cross but have no common point(s) within the "snap" distance of the intersection, CVTGMS will insert a point.

All of these changes, and several other coherency checks, are performed by the snap function to produce a valid GM‑SYS model.

  • In some cases, additional blocks will be created at areas of overlap or mis-tie.
  • To Snap a Model

    On the Execute menu, select Snap.