References - GM-SYS Profile Modelling

  • Richard J. Blakely, 1995, Potential theory in gravity and magnetic applications, Cambridge University Press, 441 p.

  • Richard J. Blakely, Gerald G. Connard, 1989, "Crustal studies using magnetic data; Geophysical framework of the continental United States", Geological Society of America Memoirs, vol. 172.

  • David L. Campbell, 1983, "BASIC programs to calculate gravity and magnetic anomalies for 2 1/2 - dimensional prismatic bodies", U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 83-154.

  • Robert S. Carmichael, Ed.,1982, Physical properties of rocks and minerals, CRC Press, Inc., 741 p.

  • Sydney P. Clark, 1966, "Handbook of physical constants", Geological Society of America, Memoir #97, 587 p.

  • M.B Dobrin and C.H. Savit, 1988, Introduction to geophysical prospecting, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 867 p.

  • E. B. Fabiano, 1983, "The magnetic field of the earth, 1980 magnetic declination", U. S. Geological Survey, Investigation I-1457.

  • E. B. Fabiano, 1983, "The magnetic field of the earth, 1980 magnetic inclination", U. S. Geological Survey, Investigation I-1458.

  • E. B. Fabiano, 1983, "The magnetic field of the earth, 1980 magnetic total intensity", U. S. Geological Survey, Investigation I-1461.

  • F. S. Grant and G. F. West, 1965, Interpretation theory in applied geophysics, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 583 p.

  • V. J. Grauch, J. D. Phillips, D. B. Hoover, J. A. Pitkin, K.E. Livo, and A. E. McCafferty, 1993, "Materials provided at the workshop "Geophysical map interpretation on the PC", convened April 21-22, 1993", U. S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 93-560, 150 p., 14 diskettes.

  • M. K. Hubbert, 1948, "A line-integral method of computing the gravimetric effects of two-dimensional masses", Geophysics, vol. 13 (2), pp. 215-225.

  • Robert J. Lillie, 1999, Whole earth geophysics: An introductory textbook for geologists and geophysicists, Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 371 p.

  • Donald W. Marquardt, 1963, "An algorithm for least-squares estimation of non-linear parameters", J. Soc. Indust. Appt. Math (SIAM), vol. 11 (2), pp. 431-441.

  • Ronald T. Merrill and Michael W. McElhinny, 1983, The Earth's magnetic field: Its history, origin and planetary perspective, Academic Press, Inc., 401 p.

  • R. Rasmussen and L. B. Pedersen, 1979, "End corrections in potential field modeling", Geophysical Prospecting, 27, 749-760.

  • Peter N. Shive (1986), "Suggestions for the use of SI units in magnetism", Transactions American Geophys. Union (EOS), vol. 67 (3), p. 25.

  • M. Talwani and J. R. Heirtzler, 1964, "Computation of magnetic anomalies caused by two-dimensional bodies of arbitrary shape", in Parks, G. A., Ed., Computers in the mineral industries, Part 1: Stanford Univ. Publ., Geological Sciences, 9, 464-480.

  • M. Talwani, J. L. Worzel, and M. Landisman,1959, "Rapid gravity computations for two-dimensional bodies with application to the Mendocino submarine fracture zone", Journal of Geophysical Research, 64 (1), pp. 49-59.

  • Michael Webring, 1985, "SAKI; a Fortran program for generalized linear inversion of gravity and magnetic profiles", U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 85-122, 29 p.

  • I. J. Won and Michael Bevis, 1987, "Computing the gravitational and magnetic anomalies due to a polygon: Algorithms and Fortran subroutines", Geophysics, vol. 52 (2), pp. 232-238.