Cross-Section Pop-up Menus

There are three primary pop-up menus available in the Cross-Section pane: Horizontal- and Vertical-Axis pop-ups and a Cross-Section pop-up. The axis pop-ups for this pane are identical. Each allows you to change the units of the axis display and to set an axis range by entering upper and lower limits in a dialog box. Limits are entered in the units specified for each axis, or they may be changed from within the dialog. Limits may also be changed using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.

The Cross-Section pop-up allows you to change the elevation at which the Plan View "slice" is taken through the model. Items in the Display sub-menu are those found in the main Display menu which pertain to the Cross-Section pane. Each may be toggled on/off to customize the display of your models, both for ease of use and for plotting purposes.