Work with Views in GM-SYS Profile Modelling

In GM-SYS Profile Modelling , a “View” is a stored set of coordinates specifying the boundaries of the Depth and Time section, Anomaly, and Plan View panes and the depth of the Plan View "slice". Views are useful when you wish to repeatedly edit or plot the same portion of the model. Views may also be used as a mask to limit the extents of imported or exported data. Using the functions built into the View menu you may save, edit, replace, and delete views, change to a previously saved view, and change the order of saved views.

  • When you open a model in GM-SYS Profile Modelling, the first named view in the View list is used to display the model.
  • Using Views to Limit Exported Data

    Views can be used to limit exported data to a specific area. For example:

    • When you export all horizons, they are clipped to the X-limits of a selected view or the limits of the "current" view.
    • When exporting a plan view polygon, the View in model coordinates defines the polygon corners in external coordinates.
    • When you plot a component of a GM-SYS Profile Modelling model on an Oasis montaj map, a view must be selected to define the extents to be plotted.