Compute Menu

The Magn. Auto and Grav. Auto options toggle on/off the auto-calculation function of GM-SYS Profile Modelling. When Autocalc is on, GM-SYS Profile Modelling calculates the changing response of the model in real time as you make changes. This is especially useful when adding and moving a point or moving a group of points. Most of the editing options in the Action menu and Action toolbar support auto-calculation. The Undo option does not support auto-calculation.

Magn. Total Calc. and Grav. Total Calc. set flags for a total recalculation of the model response. When these options are not checked, the Calculate option (also on the toolbar) calculates the effects of changes to the model. Selecting Calculate with either or both of the total recalculation flags set recalculates the response of the entire model for the selected parameter.

Calc Geosoft Grid and Calculate Vert Geosoft Grid activates a dialog that enables you to generate a model response grid from any licensed calculated component.