Zoom Modes

Box Zoom

After this action is enabled, a button press in any of the four display panes starts the Box Zoom function. Hold the mouse button down, drag the mouse to draw a box around the area to be viewed and release the mouse button. The pane will be resized to match the limits you defined. The horizontal limits of the other panes will be adjusted to match those of the pane in which the box was drawn.

2X Zoom In

After this action is enabled (Action menu), a button press in any of the four display panes Zooms In on the pane by about a factor of 2. The horizontal limits of the other panes will be adjusted to match those of the pane in which the box was drawn.

2X Zoom Out

After this action is enabled (Action menu), a button press in any of the four display panes will Zoom Out of the selected pane by about a factor of 2. The horizontal limits of the other panes will be adjusted to match those of the pane in which the box was drawn.