GM-SYS Modelling 2024.2 Help

In the GM-SYS Modelling Help system, you will find several topics to guide you through the use of the GM-SYS 2D Modelling and GM-SYS 3D Modelling extensions:

  • Use the side navigation menu to go directly to a topic of interest.

  • If you are looking for something specific, type keywords into the Search box.

The online Help is your resource to:

  • Familiarize yourself with general concepts and context-sensitive dialogs.

  • Obtain detailed information on the parameters for every dialog.

  • Understand commonly used procedures.

Getting Started

Learning Resources

The Seequent Learning Centre serves as your guide, offering individual courses and guided paths to assist you in mastering essential concepts, tools, and efficient workflows. Visit and search for "GM-SYS" learning options under the Catalogue:

Troubleshooting Resources

For troubleshooting resources, please visit MySeequent and search for the latest support articles for GM-SYS 3D Modelling and GM-SYS Profile Modelling.