Exporting Block Models

The export formats available for block models depend on the type of block model:

Regular block models Octree sub-blocked models Fully sub-blocked models Variable Z sub-blocked models
CSV + text header
CSV with embedded header
CSV as points
Datamine block model
Surpac block model - -
Geosoft voxel - - -

This topic describes the process for exporting in each of these formats. It is divided into

To export a block model, right-click on it in the project tree and select Export. You will be prompted to select the file format.

If you wish to export the model in one of the CSV formats, select CSV Block Model Files (*.csv). You will be able to choose between the three CSV formats in the next step.

Enter a name and location for the file and click Save. Next, you will be able to choose custom settings for the selected format.

Once you have worked through these steps, a summary of the selected options will be displayed. If you need to make any changes, you can work back through the steps. Once you’re satisfied with the settings chosen, click Export to save the file.

The selections you make when you export a block model will be saved. This streamlines the process of subsequent exports of the model.

Exporting Block Models in CSV Format

This export format is available for all block model types.

When you choose to export a block model in CSV format, you must first choose the type of CSV export. Options are:

  • With an embedded header file. The block model definition is included at the top of the CSV file.
  • With a separate text header. The block model definition is written as a separate text file.
  • As points. The CSV file does not include the block sizes and model description.

You will then be prompted to work through the custom settings available for the CSV format. If you have exported the block model in CSV format previously, your previous settings will have been saved and so you can quickly click through the windows.

The options that can be set for block models exported in CSV format are:

Exporting Block Models in Datamine Format

This export format is available for all block model types.

Once you have selected the Datamine option and entered a name and location for the file, click Save. You will then be prompted to work through the custom settings available for the Datamine format. If you have exported the block model in Datamine format previously, your previous settings will have been saved and so you can quickly click through the windows.

The options that can be set for block models exported in Datamine format are:

Exporting Block Models in Surpac Format

This export format is available for regular block models and octree sub-blocked models.

When you choose to export a block model in Surpac format, you must first choose whether to export the model in Surpac version 3.2 or Surpac version 5.0. Considerations are as follows:

  • Block models exported in Surpac version 5.0 cannot be imported into versions of Surpac before 5.0.
  • Block models with more than 512 blocks per side can only be exported in Surpac version 5.0 format.

Choose which format you wish to use, then click Next.

You will then be prompted to work through the custom settings available for the Surpac format. If you have exported the block model in Surpac format previously, your previous settings will have been saved and so you can quickly click through the windows.

The options that can be set for block models exported in Surpac format are:

Exporting Block Models in Geosoft Voxel Format

This export format is only available for regular block models.

Once you have selected the Geosoft Voxel option and entered a name and location for the file, click Save. You will then be prompted to choose which properties will be included in the exported file. The Available items list includes all evaluations made onto the model. If you have the Leapfrog Edge extension, you can also include calculations and filters, which will be exported as separate columns. The order of columns in the exported file will match the order shown in the project tree.

Once you’re satisfied with the settings chosen, click Export to save the file.