Importing Downhole Structural Data

Leapfrog Geo supports structural measurements in .csv or text formats. This topic describes importing downhole structural data tables. Structural data tables that include location information can also be imported to the Structural Modelling folder. See Importing Planar Structural Data.

To import a set of structural data on drillholes, right-click on the Drillholes object in the project tree and select Import From File > Planar Structural Data or Import From ODBC > Planar Structural Data.

When importing from a file, Leapfrog Geo will ask you to specify the file location and then will display the data in the file in the Import Planar Structural Data window.

When importing from ODBC, you will first be prompted to select the data source. See Selecting the ODBC Data Source.

Leapfrog Geo expects columns describing the drillhole identifier, the depth and the structural orientation. Structural orientation can be specified using either dip and dip azimuth or alpha and beta.

Match the values in the file to the required column headers, then click Finish to import the file. The table will appear under the Drillholes object.

If the structural orientation is specified using alpha and beta, the reference line from which the beta is measured can be the bottom or top of the drillhole. When the table is imported, the default setting is Bottom of core. To change this, double-click on the structural data table in the project tree. Next, click on Compatibility to change the Beta reference mark setting to Top of core: