
There are three types of sections in Leapfrog Geo:

  • A typical cross section is a vertical plane with an image or geologic cross section applied to it. In Leapfrog Geo, this type of cross section can be created directly in the scene, from the slicer or from an imported image.
  • A fence section deviates. In Leapfrog Geo, a fence section can be created from a polyline drawn in the scene or from any line object in the project.
  • A serial section is a series of typical cross sections taken at an offset from a single base section.

Evaluating Sections

Sections can be evaluated against different objects in the project, as described in Evaluations. All sections can be evaluated against:

  • Geological models
  • Numeric models
  • Distance functions
  • Surfaces
  • Combined models

Cross sections can also be evaluated against block models, but serial sections and fence sections cannot.

Objects a section is evaluated on can be included when the section is exported.

Exporting Sections

There are two options available for exporting sections: Export in DXF Format and Export Section Layouts.

Export in DXF Format

Exporting a section as a DXF file (*.dxf) exports a series of DXF lines created from the intersection of the evaluation volumes and the section plane. The lines generated from each volume are saved as separate layers in the file.

For serial sections, the section will be exported in a single file with a collection of DXF lines based on intersections between the selected evaluation and the section planes.

To export a section in DXF format, right-click on it in the project tree and select Export. You will be prompted to select an evaluation to export with the section. Enter a filename and location, then click Save.

Export Section Layouts

Another way to export a section is to create a section layout and then export it as a PDF file (*.pdf), Scalable Vector Graphics file (*.svg), PNG image (*.png) or GeoTIFF (*.tiff, *.tif). This option is more flexible than exporting the section as a DXF file as you have more control over the section layout. You can customise the page layout and include multiple evaluations and annotations. For typical cross sections and serial sections, you can also display drillholes and planned drillholes.

For serial sections, you can batch export multiple section layouts.All selected sections can be exported as a single PDF or individually in PDF file (*.pdf), Scalable Vector Graphics file (*.svg), PNG image (*.png) or GeoTIFF (*.tiff, *.tif) formats. When section layouts are exported individually, all outputs can be combined into a zip archive. To do this, right-click on the section and select Batch Export Layouts.

See Section Layouts for more information.