MODFLOW Model Export

Leapfrog Geothermal has the following options for exporting MODFLOW grids:

  • Export the grid as a MODFLOW file.
  • Export for Groundwater Vistas. Use this option the first time you export a grid for use in Groundwater Vistas.
  • Export a Groundwater Vistas update. Use this option to generate a set of files that can be imported into Groundwater Vistas as an update.
  • Export the grid’s hydrological properties in *.csv format.

The Groundwater Vistas options include a zoned layer properties flow (*.lpf) file that includes information about the zones in the grid.


To export a grid as a MODFLOW file for use in a package other than Groundwater Vistas, right-click on the grid in the project tree and select Export to MODFLOW. You will be prompted to choose a File name and location. Select the options required, then click Save.

For Groundwater Vistas

To export a grid for use in Groundwater Vistas for the first time, right-click on the grid in the project tree and select Export to MODFLOW for GWV. You will be prompted to choose a File name and location. Select the options required, then click Save.

If you have previously exported the grid to Groundwater Vistas and have made changes to the grid, use the Export to GWV Updates option.

As a Groundwater Vistas Update

If you have exported a grid to Groundwater Vistas but then make changes to the Leapfrog Geothermal model, you can export the changes to the model. The set of files containing the changes can then be imported to Groundwater Vistas.

To export a Groundwater Vistas update, right-click on the grid in the project tree and select Export GWV Updates. The Update Groundwater Vistas window will appear listing the files that will be exported. Enter a Base file name to differentiate the original files from the updates. Click Export. The files will be saved in the specified directory.

Export Hydrological Properties

To export a grid’s hydrological properties in *.csv format, right-click on the grid in the project tree and select Export Hydrological Properties. In the window that appears, select where you wish to save the file, then click Save.

The exported file can be imported into AquaVeo GMS as a dataset.


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