Import ArcGIS LYR File

Use the  Map > Import > ArcGIS LYR File or the ArcGIS Tools > Import ArcGIS LYR File menu option, (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.ArcGIS.ImportLYR;Run)*), to add a LYR file to the Data view of the current map. When added to a new map, the extents of the Data view are defined by the extents of the data referenced by the LYR file.

Use the Add to 3D > Imports > ArcGIS LYR File menu option, (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.ArcGIS.ImportLYR;Run)*), to add a LYR file into the current 3D View.

This functionality is only available on systems where a licensed copy of the ArcGIS ArcView or the ArcGIS ArcEngine exists.

Import ArcGIS LYR File dialog options (3D View)

ArcGIS LYR file

Select the ArcGIS LYR file (*.lyr) to import. This file can be obtained by saving a layer in an ArcGIS map document inside ArcMAp using the RMB context menu on the layer.

Script Parameter: ARCGIS_ADDLYR.LYR

Import ArcGIS LYR File dialog options (Map)

ArcGIS LYR file

Select the ArcGIS LYR file (*.lyr) to import. This file can be obtained by saving a layer in an ArcGIS map document inside ArcMAp using the RMB context menu on the layer.

Script Parameter: ARCGIS_ADDLYR.LYR


Select whether to add the LYR file to a new map or one that is currently open.

Script Parameter: ARCGIS_ADDLYR.CURRENT ( 0: New Map (default), 1 : Current Map)

Map scale

Optional map scale if the New Map option is selected. If not specified, the new map will be created with a default size of 30cm by 30cm, with a map scale determined to fit the data.

Script Parameter: ARCGIS_ADDLYR.SCALE (default = not defined)

Application Notes

  • Because LYR files are rendered visualizations of live links to data, it is possible to query data attributes for the features in these groups using the Geosoft Map Identity Tool on such groups.
  • The LYR file will be referenced from its location on disk and embedded inside the map. When sending the map to someone and the LYR file cannot be found in the same place relative to where the map is located, the embedded version will be used. It is also possible that a snapshot image of the last state of the LYR will appear in Geosoft Viewer if no licensed ArcGIS Desktop or ArcEngine software is available on the system. This will be apparent in that the data linking mode does not work and that the group will present as a blocky raster image at higher zoom levels.
  • During scripting the following two parameters can be used to select the output map and/or group name to use (the default is to generate convenient unique names for both, based on the LYR file name):
  • ArcGIS 2D LYR files are imported into a 3D View as flat surfaces while 3D LYR files will be rendered (and projected) in a 3D View as true 3D objects with their inherent 3D georeferenced location information being retained. Both 2D and 3D LYR files will have their intrinsic layer symbology preserved.

*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.