Import Survey Data

Use the Geochem Import > Import Survey Data menu option (CHIMPORT GX) to import geochemical field survey data to a Geosoft database. Field survey information may be contained in a tabular ASCII file (including Excel CSV format files), an external database table, or the clipboard

Import Survey Data dialog options

Data source

Specify the source of the data:

  • "ASCII file" – any tabular ASCII file, which includes Excel CSV format files. The ASCII file import wizard allows you to describe the data in the file.

  • "Clipboard" – use this if the data has been placed on the clipboard in an ASCII file format. This is intended to allow you to select the data from a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel and copy the data to the clipboard. This option will create a temporary ASCII file of the contents of the clipboard and use the ASCII file import wizard to let you describe the data.

  • "Database" – the data is contained in a common Windows database format, such as Microsoft Access, or dBase compatible files. A Wizard will allow you to select the data to be imported.

Script Parameter: CHIMPORT.SOURCE: (A: ASCII, D:Database, C:Clipboard)

File name (if required)

The name of the ASCII data file or the database that contains the field data to be imported. The File Name is required for ASCII or Database imports.

Script Parameter: CHIMPORT.FILE

Import template

The name of an import template that will be used to describe the data format. The import template can be modified using the import wizard. If the template does not exist, it will be created. If the template does exist, it will be used to establish the starting set-up of the import wizard.


Application Notes

A field survey data set is a list of all samples in a planned geochemical survey project together with sample locations, data standards and sample duplicates. The data may also include geology, comments, field codes, or whatever other field survey information is related to the samples. A field survey data set does not include geochemical assays.

The field survey file must contain a "Sample" column together with any survey information that is related to the sample. Typically, the following information is contained in the survey file:


The sample name, which is a string of up to 16 characters. Every sample must have a unique sample name.


x location in local grid


y location in the local grid


If the sample is a duplicate, this is a number that indicates the order of duplicate samples. Duplicates are assumed to be in pairs based on the duplicate order – 1,2 are duplicates, 3,4 are duplicates, etc. This allows duplicates to be distributed randomly within the batch if required.


If the sample is a standard, this is the standard name. We assume there will be a standards table that contains historic standard results.

Application Notes

Database channels will be created for these fields even if the field data source does not include this information. Any other information may also be imported. Common example of other information are geology description, sample codes and comments.