Post Assay Values

Use the Geochem Map > Point Plots > Post Assay Values menu option (CHPOST GX) to post a channel on a map.

Post Data values on a Map dialog options

Data channel

Select a channel to plot.

Script Parameter: CHPOST.CHANNEL

Mask Channel

Select a mask channel from the dropdown list. If the use of the mask channel is enabled, and set to this channel, only those data values whose corresponding mask channel value is not a dummy will be plotted or exported. Channels must have their CLASS attribute set to MASK to appear as selections in the drop-down list. If the mask channel does not exist, it will be created with its CLASS attribute set to MASK.

The default mask channel is set from the CHPREFERENCES GX (Geochem Import/Preferences...).

Script Parameter: CHPOST.MASK

Posting size (mm)

Size of posting characters in mm.

Script Parameter: CHPOST.SIZE

Posting colour

Select a colour for the posting characters.

Script Parameters: CHPOST.COLOR

Decimal places

The number of decimal places for the posting characters. If this item is left blank, then the number of decimal places displayed for this channel in the database is used.

Script Parameters: CHPOST.DECIMALS

Angle (deg CCW from X)

Angle for posting string id in degrees counter-clockwise from the +X axis (deg CCW from +X)


Script Parameter: CHPOST.ANGLE

Posting location

Posting location relative to plot point:

0 Above right
1 Above centered
2 Above left
3 Right centered
4 All centered
5 Left centered
6 Below right
7 Below centered
8 Below left

Script Parameter: CHPOST.LOCATION

X offset (mm)

X offset (mm) from the ground location of the point at which to plot the posting. The offsets are relative to the posting angle.

Script Parameter: CHPOST.X_OFF

Y offset (mm)

Y offset (mm) from the ground location of the point at which to plot the posting. The offsets are relative to the posting angle.

Script Parameter: CHPOST.Y_OFF

Plot Dummy values

Plot dummy values in the posting? "No"; "Yes" (default No)

Script Parameter: CHPOST.DUMMY

Detection limit

If this value is specified, you may choose to either ignore values less than the limit, or plot them in the form "<limit", depending on the option specified below. If this option is left blank, all values are plotted.

Script Parameter: CHPOST.MINDETECT

Plot values below limit

If a detection limit is specified, you can choose either to plot values less than the detection limit with a less than "<" sign (e.g. <300) or choose not to plot them at all.

Script Parameter: CHPOST.PLOTLIMIT

Application Notes

The "X" and "Y" channels are used to locate the posting. The X and Y offsets (in mm) are the offsets from that location to the posting reference point relative to the posting angle. The posting is then justified relative to the offset point and plotted at the specified angle.

For example, to post values centered 2mm. right of a point, enter an X offset of 2.0, Y offset of 0.0 and justify the text as "All centered"