Digitize Targets

Use the Digitize Targets dialog (DIGITPROFOP GX/DIGITPROFOPT GX) to view or alter the current settings for the target list, output channels and symbols.

The dialog is activated from the database profile window when clicking on a position in a channel profile and selecting the Target Selection Options or Select Target context-menu items.

Digitize Targets dialog options

Target list

The name of the "group" line to save data.


Channel to save value

Channel to save value. The value from this channel is copied to a channel of the same name in the targets group line. This channel need not be the same as the one displayed in the profile.

The "current" X and Y channels are not available on the drop-down channel lists because they are output automatically.

Script Parameter: DIGITPROF.CHAN

Channel #2 (optional)

Channel #3 (optional)

Channel #4 (optional)

Select up to three additional channels whose values will be saved to the target list.

The "current" X and Y channels are not available on the drop-down channel lists because they are output automatically.

Script Parameter: DIGITPROF.CHAN2, CHAN3, CHAN4

Plot symbol on current map?

If "yes", the selected target is plotted on the current map at the corresponding X, Y location. By default, no symbol is plotted.

Script Parameter: DIGITPROF.PLOTSYMB (0:No, 1: Yes)


Select the Symbol button to define (or re-define) the symbol for plotting.