Drillhole Kriging - Advanced Options
Use the DHKRIGRID GX to set advanced options for kriging (KRIGRID) gridding algorithm.
Kriging – Advanced Options
Application Notes
The output Error Grid (optional) will contain the standard deviation of the Kriging process at each grid point. Provided that the model is correct, the results are within two standard deviations of the actual value 95% of the time.
The output Variogram will contain the calculated and model variogram. This is optional.
The input Variogram will be linearly interpolated to obtain g (h) at any required h when MODEL=0 at the line 5 in control file. This is optional.
Cell Size
The grid cell size is in the distance units of the data. We recommend a cell size of ¼ to ½ the nominal data sample interval. The default is one quarter the average data separation based on a statistical average. A smaller cell size may be required if the data is to be contoured (we recommend 2 mm. or 1/10 inch at plot scale for contouring). This can be achieved by specifying a smaller cell size and larger desampling factor (desamp), or by regridding the grid using BIGRID.
KRIGRID Gridding Log Report
KRIGRID produces a log report of progress during the gridding process. The report gives details about the input data and lists the KRIGRID parameters that were either specified in the krigrid dialog box, given in the KRIGRID control file or was determined by default. The GX then lists the calculated and model variogram and performs the kriging and reports each grid row as it is completed; and finally writes out the output grid and reports the grid parameters.

Gridding Started : 6/23/1999 16:34:52
Number of data points read in: 2243
Number of data points after clustering: 2233
KRIGRID Control Parameters:
Grid Cell Size................... 2.54522e+001
Grid Origin (X0,Y0).......... 4.25051e+003 4.30142e+003
Grid Size (DX,DY).......... 6.28669e+003 3.76692e+003
Grid Dimensions (NX,NY).......... 248 149
Clip Boundary Areas............... 1
Z column selector................ [Z1]
Log option ...................... 0
Minimum Z for log ............... 1.00000e+000
Desample Fact ................... 1
Blanking Radius ................. 2.05963e+002
Min/Max Search Radius ........... 2.03617e+002 7.32886e+003
Min/Max Search points ........... 8 16
Use octant search: 0-no, 1-yes. 0
Use all data points: 0-no, 1-yes. 0
Order of drift .................. 0
Variogram model number .......... 1
Variogram power index ........... 1.00000e+000
Variogram model NUGGET .......... 0.00000e+000
Variogram model SLOPE ........... 9.13019e+000
Max. Dist. of Variogram Analysis. 7.32886e+003
Inc. Dist. of Variogram Analysis. 1.46577e+002
Output Grid Specifications:
# points per record.............. 248
# records........................ 149
Variogram Analysis:
SLOPE = 9.1301935
SIGMA = 16531.321
0 0 0 2233 0
83.54291 1504.993 762.7629 8457 1
230.8445 4792.517 2107.655 12319 2
361.5963 6483.765 3301.444 42433 3
513.8624 9446.034 4691.663 32548 4
660.1454 9758.938 6027.255 65562 5
805.7908 10807.19 7357.026 51047 6
958.4192 11139.42 8750.553 80090 7
1098.432 10869.02 10028.9 66670 8
1254.364 12317.35 11452.59 89648 9
1389.298 11664.46 12684.56 79968 10
1545.887 13133.55 14114.25 93380 11
1680.92 12882.12 15347.13 91793 12
1838.053 14188.68 16781.78 95225 13
1973.885 14126.67 18021.96 101632 14
2129.321 15437.91 19441.11 93979 15
2268.325 15739.69 20710.25 105697 16
2420 16685.21 22095.07 90593 17
2562.512 17312.37 23396.23 108037 18
2713.219 18392.86 24772.22 89546 19
2859.073 17343.83 26103.88 100454 20
3006.14 18419.76 27446.64 84294 21
3153.34 17434.1 28790.6 92474 22
3297.76 18045.16 30109.19 75434 23
3447.413 17260.96 31475.55 79418 24
3589.374 17329.42 32771.68 63029 25
3738.235 16691.42 34130.81 65412 26
3877.173 14728.09 35399.34 53308 27
4030.653 15116.57 36800.64 55595 28
4170.066 13141.56 38073.51 46500 29
4327.071 13360.13 39506.99 47156 30
4463.118 12070.68 40749.13 42471 31
4622.333 12700.37 42202.79 37768 32
4757.264 11338.38 43434.74 38099 33
4919.008 11596.06 44911.5 30990 34
5050.33 10741.99 46110.48 33608 35
5210.254 10434.82 47570.63 24700 36
5338.209 9958.911 48738.89 28194 37
5500.507 8479.505 50220.7 18967 38
5629.997 8447.076 51402.96 22735 39
5792.75 7481.139 52888.93 13383 40
5925.09 5734.886 54097.21 14870 41
6079.767 6518.187 55509.45 7466 42
6217.208 5067.008 56764.32 8778 43
6368.976 6190.303 58149.98 3950 44
6515.618 6820.524 59488.86 2216 45
6661.404 6824.462 60819.91 1193 46
6807.29 6969.901 62151.88 589 47
6951.18 8596.218 63465.62 256 48
7093.526 10829.1 64765.27 86 49
7215.8 10735.82 65881.66 11 50
Gridding Stopped : 6/23/1999 16:35:39
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