Merge with Master Database

Use the Gravity > Merge with Master Database menu option (GRAPPEND GX) to append one or more gravity survey databases to a master gravity database.

Merge with Master Database dialog options

Gravity survey database(s)

The name of the gravity survey database(s) to append.


Master gravity database

The name of the master database.


Select Master Channels dialog options

Station channel

Select the station channel.

  • If there is a channel named "Station" in the database, it will be selected.
  • Script Parameter: GRAPPEND.STATION

    Longitude channel

    Select the longitude channel.

  • If there is a channel named "Longitude" in the database, it will be selected.
  • Script Parameter: GRAPPEND.LONGITUDE

    Latitude channel

    Select the latitude channel.

  • If there is a channel named "Latitude" in the database, it will be selected.
  • Script Parameter: GRAPPEND.LATITUDE

    Application Notes

    The second dialog, Select Master Channels, is displayed when any of the following channels, "Station", "Longitude" or "Latitude", does exist under a different name in the gravity survey database. In this case, the user must manually select the channel(s) from the survey database. The append operation will then proceed as below:

    1. The alternately named channels are copied to their hard-wired target channel names in the survey database.
    2. If the hard-wired name already exists, i.e., you have both Latitude and LatGPS channels, and want to use the LatGPS as the "Latitude" channel in the master database: 
      • The existing hard-wired channel name is changed by pre-pending an underscore , i.e "_Latitude"
      • The LatGPS values are copied to the Latitude channel.
    3. The append operation is performed. This appends the data as intended, but still copies the data from the "original" alternate channels by their original names.

    Only stations of type 1, or dummy (*) are appended. Base stations (Type 0) are not appended. If you would like to flag certain readings not to be appended to the master database, change the type to a value other than 1 or dummy (*).

    The master database can be used for mapping and other final processing tasks within the Oasis montaj environment.