Import/Append Base Station Data

Use the Gravity > Base Stations > Import/Merge Base Station Data menu option (GRLDBASEGX) to import base station data into the base station database.

Import/Merge Base Station Data dialog options

Base station database

The name of the base station database. If the database does not exist, it will be created with channels of "Station", "Gravity", "Longitude", "Latitude" and "Elevation". You will also have the option to load existing base station data from another database or a text file.


Base station data source

The imported base station data can be in one of the following formats:

  • Text data file: comma delimited text file
  • Survey file format: instrument survey text file
  • Geosoft database (gdb): Geosoft database

See the Application Notes for file import requirements.

Script Parameter: GRLOAD.SOURCE


Click the Next button to load base station data based on the specified data source above. One of the three dialogs listed bellow will open.

Load Base Station Data from Text Data File dialog options

Base file to load

Select the name of the base station (comma-delimited) text file.

Load Base Station Data from Database dialog options

Base station survey database

Select the name of the base station database file.

Load Base Station Data (from Survey file) dialog options

This dialog is called directly by the Gravity Import tool.

File type

Select one of the Scintrex instrument dump formats (CG-3, CG-5 or CG-6), or select "Geosoft RAW file" for a Geosoft format text file.

Script Parameter: GRLOAD.TYPE

Survey data file

Select the survey data file, which is either a Scintrex instrument dump file or a Geosoft RAW format file.

Script Parameter: GRLOAD.DATA

Output database

The name of the base station database file is displayed for reference.


Longitude channel & Latitude channel

These entries appear only if the selected type is CG-6 and there is more than one set of Latitude/Longitude fields in the input file.

In this eventuality, you are prompted to determine which set to proceed with as the designated pair of position channels.

Script Parameter: GRLOAD.LONGITUDE

Script Parameter: GRLOAD.LATITUDE

Date format

This entry appears if the selected type is CG-6. From the available drop-down list, select the date format you wish to use for the import.

Script Parameter: GRLOAD.DATE_FORMAT [1 - YYYY/MM/DD; 2 - DD/MM/YYYY; 3 - MM/DD/YYYY]

Location database

This entry appears if the selected type is CG-3 or CG-5. If provided, the position information is extracted from this file.


Base station database

Select the base station database. This is an optional entry. If provided, the station numbers of the survey database are compared with the station numbers in the base station database to identify the base station readings of the survey database. Subsequently, the Type of all base station rows in the survey database is then set to 0. All other rows are assumed to be survey stations and their Type remains as 1.


Import into a single line

Select this option to import the data into a single line.

Script Parameter: GRLOAD.IMPORT_SINGLE_LINE [0 - No; 1 - Yes]

Application Notes

The base station data is loaded/imported into the base station database from either an existing Geosoft database, a comma delimited text file, or a text file, in one of the supported gravity instrument formats. Regardless of the source, once imported, the base station database has predefined channel names; these are indicated in double quotes in the leftmost column below.

Base Station Fields

Station number

A unique station number that is used to look-up base station parameters during the reduction of survey data.

Absolute gravity

The absolute gravity at the base station in milligals. You can use one of the options below to determine its value:

  • From some other source (i.e. government established base stations).
  • Performing a base station survey. See the Base Station Surveys section in the Open/Create Base Station Database Help topic for information on establishing your own base stations.
  • The gravity is given an arbitrary value.

Longitude, Latitude

The geographic location of the base station. This location is used to establish the earth tide correction. Note that longitudes are negative in the Western hemisphere.


This is optional information that is not used in the data reduction. By default, elevation units are assumed to be metres. You can change the elevation units by editing the channel information and setting the unit abbreviation.

The values in quotes must be the channel names or the text file column headers in the comma delimited file. Some, however, can be user defined if the selected file is in the instrument survey file format.

Example of a comma-delimited (CSV) format file:





Note that geographic coordinates can also be specified using the format "".

See Open/Create Base Station Database for more information on establishing base stations.

Script Notes

Example of a scripted import: the file named "bases.csv" is imported into a base station named "bases.gdb":

SETINI GRLOAD.SOURCE="Text data file""