Import Surpac STR or DTM File(s)

Use the Map > Import > Surpac STR or DTM File(s) menu option (IMPSURPAC GX) to import a Surpac STR or DTM file into an Oasis montaj map.

Use the Add to 3D > Imports > Surpac STR or DTM File(s) menu option (IMPSURPAC GX) to add a Surpac STR or DTM file to a 3D View.

Surpac STR and DTM File Import dialog options (3D View)

Surpac STR or DTM file(s)

Select one or more Surpac STR or DTM files to import.

Script Parameter: IMPSURPAC.FILES (Separate files with the "|" character.

Surpac STR and DTM File Import dialog options (Map)

Surpac STR or DTM file(s)

Select one or more Surpac STR or DTM files to import.

Script Parameter: IMPSURPAC.FILES (Separate files with the "|" character.

Current Map

Click this button to import the file(s) to the current map.

Script Parameter: IMPSURPAC.MAPOUT (Option: 0: Current Map)

New Map

Click this button to import the file(s) on a new map.

Script Parameter: IMPSURPAC.MAPOUT (Option: 1 : New Map)

Import to a New Map dialog options

Project data as

If the default option, "Plan" is selected, the data will be presented as a simple plan map. Select "E-W Section" to present and project the data as an East-West vertical section. Select "N-S Section" to present and project the data as a North-South vertical section.

Script Parameter: IMPSURPAC.ORIENT (0:Plan, 1:E-W, 2:N-S)

  • When the data is projected to a 2D view (plan or section) some 3D information can be lost. See the Application Notes below for more information.
  • Map scale

    Optional map scale for 2D views. If not specified, a new map with default size 30cm by 30cm is created, with a map scale determined to fit the data.

    Script Parameter: IMPSURPAC.MAPSCALE (default = not defined)

    Create a New Map dialog options

    Map name

    Specify the name of the new map. Automatically pre-populated with the same name as the input Surpac STR or DTM  file name.

    Script Parameter: IMPSURPAC.MAP

    Application Notes

    If the Surpac STR or DTM  file(s) are imported to a current map, the imported data will be projected onto the plane of the current data view. If the view is a normal "plan" view, then the Z-dimension information will be lost. If the view is a "section" view (such as those created for drillhole sections in Target), the data is projected horizontally onto that plane. If imported to a 3D View, the objects are plotted as in the original files.