Import Gemcom File

Use the Map > Import > Gemcom BT2 File menu option, (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Map.Gemcom;Run2D)*), to import a Gemcom BT2 file into an Oasis montaj map.

Use the Add to 3D > Imports > Gemcom File menu option, (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Map.Gemcom;Run)*), to add a Gemcom file (BT2, BPR, or BPR2) to a 3D View.

Gemcom Import dialog options (3D View)

File to import

Select the Gemcom file to import to the current 3D view.

  • See the Application Notes below for details on supported file formats.
  • Script Parameter: GEMCOM.INPUTFILE

    Import Gemcom BT2 File dialog options (Map)

    File to import

    Select the Gemcom file to import.

  • See the Application Notes below for details on supported file formats.
  • Script Parameter: GEMCOM.INPUTFILE

    Create new map

    Select this option to import the file on a new map.

    Script Parameter: GEMCOM.NEWMAP (Option: 1 : new map)

    (This option will be selected if no current map is detected.)

    Use current map

    Select this option to import the file to the current map view.

    Script Parameter: GEMCOM.NEWMAP (Option: 0 : current map)

    (This option will be selected if a current map is detected.)

    Map Details (Create new map)

    Map name

    Specify the name of the new map.

    Script Parameter: GEMCOM.MAPNAME

    Map scale

    Optional. If not specified, the new map will be created with a map scale determined to fit the data.

    Script Parameter: GEMCOM.MAPSCALE (default = not defined)

    2D plan view

    Select to display in 2D plan view.

    Script Parameter: GEMCOM.NEWMAPDETAILSMODE (0:  plan view)

    2D E-W section view

    Select to display in 2D E-W section view.

    Script Parameter: GEMCOM.NEWMAPDETAILSMODE (1: E-W section view)

    2D N-S section view

    Select to display in 2D N-S section view.

    Script Parameter: GEMCOM.NEWMAPDETAILSMODE (2: N-S section view)

    Application Notes

    *The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.

    Gemcom File Types

    The Gemcom files that can be imported into an Oasis montaj map are of the type BT2 (binary triangulation files).

    The Gemcom file formats that can be imported into a 3D View are BT2 and the block model types: BPR and BPR2.

    The import of block model types (.BPR , .BPR2), requires additional files:

    • A .CAT file that points to a folder containing the .BLK, .BLK2 files
    • A .BLF2 file with the same name as the folder containing the .BLK and .BLK2 files