Create a Base Map from a MAPPLOT Control File

Oasis montaj provides the ability to create large and small format simple maps, such as map surrounds. The MAPPLOT control file functionality provides a powerful way of creating custom surrounds.

Use the Map Tools > Base Map > MAPPLOT Control File menu option (MAPPLOT GX) to process a MAPPLOT control file and draw the result on the current map or a new map.

MAPPLOT Control File dialog options

Control file name

Name of the control file.

Draw to

Select "the current map" or "a new map".

Match strings 1


ie. .a.=1.5 2











Script Parameters

MAPPLOT.CON control file name
MAPPLOT.MS1 user match strings
MAPPLOT.MS10 user match strings

Application Notes

If you are an experienced Oasis montaj user and are already familiar with MAPPLOT control files or have specialized map-making requirements that are not available through the Oasis montaj mapping GXs, you can create maps using special graphics commands called MAPPLOT commands.

MAPPLOT commands are grouped in ASCII files called MAPPLOT control (*.CON) files. Control files are created and maintained (modified) with the use of any text file editor or word processor. This option works through the commands sequentially and adds the resulting plot to the existing map or new map, depending on your selection.

A user match string is a match string used in the MAPPLOT control file. For example, if the control file uses match string ".title.", this can be set at run time by entering the match string:

.title.=My Map Title  

Note that there are no quotations around the value after the equal sign; this is because quotations are generally already present in the control file.

The MAPPLOT control file is scanned for the presence of an MDFF command. If found, the MDF file indicated by the MDFF command is replaced by an MDF based on the current map.