/ Map Description File:
/xs,ys - the X and Y dimensions of the map in centimetres.
/ Some standard sizes are: A - 28.0,21.6 (11 x 8.5")
/ B - 43.2,28.0 (17 x 11")
/ C - 56.0,43.2 (22 x 17")
/ D - 86.4,56.0 (34 x 22")
/ E - 112.,86.4 (44 x 34")
/mb,mr,mt,ml - the bottom, right, top and left margins in cm
/sc - the true plotting scale for the window.
/ (For example, to plot a 1:25000 map, sc should be 25000.)
/ufac - unit conversion factor, number of ground units per metre on the ground.
/ (For example, 1 metre = ufac * 1 ground unit)
/ A - metres - ufac = 1.0
/ B - feet - ufac = 3.28084
/ C - kilometres - ufac = 0.001
/ D - miles - ufac = 0.00062137
/x0,y0 - the location, in ground units, of the bottom left corner of the plot
/ window.
/rot - the orientation of the map axis relative to the ground coordinate system,
/ in degrees counter clockwise.