Working with the MAPPLOT Control File

The MAPPLOT control file is an ASCII (text) file that contains a list of graphics commands. MAPPLOT works through the commands sequentially and creates an output plot file. Control files are created and maintained (modified) with the use of any text file editor or word processor.

The first four columns of the file are reserved for graphics commands. A graphics command is a four letter mnemonic which is followed by command parameters on the same line. Some commands also use subsequent lines (sub-command lines) to read additional information. If sub-command lines are used, the first four columns must be left blank.

Each parameter on a line must be separated from its neighbour by a comma. Commas also serve to mark parameter locations, so that two consecutive commas on a line cause a parameter to assume a default value.

All text parameters should be enclosed in double quotes. If only one word of text is used (no enclosed blanks or commas), then quotes are not required.

Any command line can be terminated by a slash character (/), after which user comments may be entered.

The following is a typical MAPPLOT control file that illustrates the use of commands:

CMNT "Map with title, north arrow, scale and annotations"

MDFF .m.

SURR ,.1   

ANOY ,,,,,,0.5,,,,,.o. 

ANOX ,,,,,,0.5,,,,,,.o. 

SCAL 3,-6,12  

NARR 3,-6,20,.n.,5,1

INCL titles,1  

TITL 3,0,0,12 








/Map description file


/Annotate Y

/Annotate X

/scale bar

/north arrow

/TITLES.CON defines titles

/title block