Line Path

Use the Map Tools > Line Path menu option (PATH GX) to plot and label survey line paths.

Line Path dialog options

Line thickness

The line thickness in mm.


Line colour

Select line colour.

Script Parameter: PATH.LINE_COLOR

Line style

Select the line style for drawing the survey path from the drop-down list. By default the path is drawn with solid lines.

Script Parameters: PATH.LINE_TYPE

Draw ticks?

Select "Yes" or "No" to draw line ticks.

Label format

Select label format.

Script Parameter: PATH.LABEL_FORMAT

Add line direction?

Select "Yes" or "No" to add the direction arrow to the line labels.

Script Parameter: PATH.LABEL_DIR

Add compass direction?

Select to add compass direction (E,W,N,S) to the line label based on where the line is located and if it’s a vertical or horizontal line.

Options are:

  • No

  • +X is East

  • +X is North

  • +X is West

  • +X is South

Script Parameter: PATH.LABEL_COMPASS

Label location

Select where to plot label location.


Label size

The label size in mm.

Script Parameter: PATH.LABEL_SIZE

Label colour

Select the label colour.

Script Parameter: PATH.LABEL_COLOR

Label weight

Select the label weight.

Script Parameter: PATH.LABEL_WEIGHT

Horizontal offset

The horizontal label offset.

Script Parameter: PATH.H_OFFSET

Vertical offset

The vertical label offset.

Script Parameter: PATH.V_OFFSET

Break on gaps larger than

The maximum gap (in units of distance) before breaking line.

Script Parameter: PATH.GAP

Thinning resolution (mm)

The thinning resolution controls the removal of redundant points from line path. Points that deviate from a straight line by less than the thinning resolution are removed. The default value of 0.02 will be used if it is left blank. Set resolution to 0.0 to remove co-linear points only.

Script Parameter: PATH.THINRES

Application Notes

For line-oriented geoscience surveys, you may want to display survey lines; flight lines for airborne surveys.


This is a string that describes the label format. Each character of the string represents a component of a full line label. The characters are:

L include line type

N include line number

V include line version number

F include flight or group number

For example, specify "LNVF" to plot a full line label such as "T1023.4:13" (type "T", number "1023", version "4", flight "13").


The location of the line labels relative to the ends of the lines:

NONE do not plot a line label

END plot centered off the ends of the line

ABOVE plot above the ends of the lines

BELOW plot below the ends of the line


The font weight for drawing labels:









Vertical label offset in mm.


Horizontal label offset in mm.

The interpretation of the offsets depends on the LABEL_LOCATION as follows:


L100.2 -------------------------- L100.2

H_OFFSET controls distance from label to line.

V_OFFSET controls vertical offset from center.


L100.2 L100.2


H_OFFSET controls label distance above the line.

V_OFFSET controls offset in from line end.



L100.2 L100.2

H_OFFSET controls label distance below the line.

V_OFFSET controls offset in from line end.


This GX will thin and resample the flight lines as it plots them. This is to reduce the size of the map file and increase the rendering speed. The thinning is based upon the map size and if the larger the map paper size, the more resolution is placed in the flight lines. If you need an exact plotting of the flight points, use a symbol plot.