Create TIN File from Database

Use the Grid and Image > Gridding > Tinning > Create TIN File from Database menu option (TINDB GX) to create a TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) file from positions in a database.
The TINDB GX applies the Sweepline algorithm (S. Fortune, 1987) to the X, Y (Z-optional) data values in a Geosoft Database (*.gdb) to create a binary TIN (*.tin) file.

Create TIN File from Database dialog options

Channel to grid

Select the database channel to grid. To specify an array element append to the channel array name the element index in square brackets. For example Chan[1] would indicate the second element of the array channel Chan

Output TIN File

Name of the file to write the TIN information to. This is a binary file and cannot be read using a text editor program. The saved file can then be used as input to other GXs, such as TINMESH.

Script Parameter: TINDB.FILE

Z Channel

Select the Z data channel to include with the TIN positions. Some processes, such as the Natural Neighbour gridding algorithm, require that the Z values be defined at the nodes. Only positions with non-dummy Z values are included in the TIN.

Script Parameter: TINDB.CHAN

Duplicate Handling

The TIN procedure cannot handle more than a single data point at any (X, Y) location. This parameter determines what to do with the "Z" values for duplicated locations. The options are either to sum all the values, or to use the average value.

Script Parameter: TINDB.DUPLICATE