Plot Convex Hull

Use the Grid and Image > Gridding > Tinning > Plot Convex Hull menu option (TINHULL GX) to plot the Convex Hull of a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN). The Convex Hull is the smallest convex set of nodes that encloses all nodes.

Plot Convex Hull dialog options

Input TIN file

The name of the TIN file to plot.

Script Parameter: TINDB.FILE

Convex hull line colour

The colour for the convex hull lines of the TIN.

Script Parameter: TINVORONOI.EDGECOLOR (Geosoft RGB format)

Line thickness

Line Thickness in mm.


Application Notes

Convex Hull

The Convex Hull is the "outside edge" of a set of points. By definition, the exterior angle between any two points in the convex hull never exceeds 180 degrees.

The convex hull is also output to a polygon file in the current workspace directory, whose name is created using the input TIN file name and appending "_ConvexHull". For instance, if the TIN file is "test.tin", the output polygon file is "test_ConvexHull.ply".

For two-dimensional models, the line joining all nodes in the convex hull forms an outer perimeter, as shown in the image below.


A view of the Delaunay triangulation (tin mesh). The thick ‘perimeter’ line connects the nodes in the convex hull.