Regrid a Voxel

Use the Voxel > New > Regrid a Voxel menu option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.VoxUtils.RegridAVoxel;Run)*) to regrid an existing voxel at a different cell size.

Regrid a Voxel dialog options

Input voxel

The name of an existing voxel file to be regridded.


Output voxel

The name of the output regridded voxel file.


Interpolation method

Select the interpolation method.

Script Parameter: REGRID_VOXEL.INTERP_METHOD [0- Linear (default), 1- Nearest]

Mesh Specification

Regrid to existing voxel

If this option is selected, you must specify an overlapping voxel model.

Script Parameter: REGRID_VOXEL.MESH_DEFINITION [0-default]


Mesh voxel

The name of an existing voxel file that is at least as large as the input voxel and overlaps with it. The XYZ cell sizes to which the voxel is regridded are acquired from this voxel model.



User defined

If this option is selected, you have to specify the XYZ cell sizes. Variable cell sizes are not supported.

Script Parameter: REGRID_VOXEL.MESH_DEFINITION [1-user defined]


Make X and Y cell sizes equal

Check this box to automatically reset the Y cell size value to the input X cell size.

  • The total number of cells and dimensions of the output voxel are displayed at the bottom of the dialog.
  • Script Parameter: REGRID_VOXEL. EQUAL_XY [0-default]

    XYZ cells

    The fields are automatically initialized to the Input voxel cell sizes.

    Specify the desired cell sizes in the three axes for the regridded voxel. Use the button beside the X cell size field to reset the cell values to the default (optimal) cell sizes.

  • The total number of cells and dimensions of the output voxel are recalculated every time these values change.

    Remove rotation

    If the input voxel has a rotation about an axis, check this box if you want to remove the rotation in the output regridded voxel. This will change the origin and dimensions of the output voxel and re-align the rotated coordinate system.

  • The calculated number of cells and dimensions of the output voxel are not affected if the input voxel is not a rotated voxel.
  • Script Parameter: REGRID_VOXEL.REMOVE_ROTATION [0-default]

    *The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.