3D IP Pseudo Section

Use the 3D IP Pseudo Section dialog to draw geo-referenced vertical sections as colour-coded symbols in the 3D view .

Plot 3D Pseudo-Section

Channel to plot

Select from the drop-down list the channel to use to colour code the symbols.


Symbol size

Symbols are plotted as spheres, the diameter of which you can specify. The default is 1/10th of the sample separation. To obtain the default, click on the calculator icon.


Colour table

Select the colour scheme for rendering the image of the plot. If you mouse over the colour scheme entry, a tool tip will display the name of the colour table in its folder. To modify the selection, click on the colour entry and then navigate through the scheme categories.


Line selection

Select the line or lines to plot. The options are the currently displayed line, the selected lines (the default) or all the lines.

Script Parameter: PSEUDOSECTION3D.LINES "S" : Selected lines, "D" : Displayed line (default), "A": All lines

Application Notes

This plot assumes a 45° dip from the surface to calculate the intersection between the Tx-Rx electrodes, without any further consideration for rock properties or geologic structure. As a result, the pseudo-section vertical point locations are not real locations and should be treated with caution. When plotted concurrently with other 3D object, you may notice a consistent depth discrepancy due to this fact.