Import IP Data from Zonge FLD Format File
Use this dialog to import IP data from a Zonge FLD file
Import Zonge FLD Format File dialog options
Application Notes
The FLD file import reads in the following fields: (adapted from the Zonge reference "ZONGE Data Processing GDP Data Reformat Program version 3.2x").
R1X, R2X, T1X, T2X – Electrode locations are determined from the station numbers and the chosen scaling factor.
Cycles – (FLD field Cycles)
Number of Tx cycles read in the measurement.
N (FLD field N-Spacing)
These values are actually calculated from the derived electrode locations, but should be the same as those contained in the N-Spacing field of the FLD file.
TXFreq (FLD field Frequency)
Frequency at which data was measured.
I (FLD field Tx Current)
Average Square Wave transmitter Current in amps, as entered into the GDP
ResMeas (FLD column Resistivity)
Measured apparent resistivity, in Ohmmeters.
Sp (FLD column Self Potential)
Self Potential in millivolts.
Frequency Domain Channels
DCPhase (FLD field 3-Point DC Phase)
The 3-point Decoupled Phase values, in milliradians.
FXXX_Amp and FXXX_Phs (FLD columns Magnitude 1,3,5,7 and 9 and Phase 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9) (Array channels)
Average Fourier magnitude, divided by the SquareWave Current v/a. The GDP displays the Fourier magnitude values and SquareWave Current. The .AVG-file values are the same; Average Phase angle, in milliradians.
The XXX refers to the base frequency; the fields contain the 5 harmonics.
There are "Amp" and "Phs" array channels for each base frequency present.
FourMag (FLD field Magnitude)
The Fourier magnitude of the Primary voltage, in millivolts. (See Vp)
SEM (FLD field SEM)
The IP standard error of the mean in milliradians.
The primary voltage is derived from the Fourier magnitude; Vp = 1000 * FourMag * pi / 4.
Time Domain Channels
Chargeablility (FLD field Chargeability)
The Zonge version of the Newmont Chargeability.
SEM (FLD field SEM)
The IP standard error of the mean in millivolts.
Vp (FLD field Primary Voltage)
Primary voltage in millivolts.
FXXX_Amp (FLD columns Window Values 1-13) (Array channel)
Average Fourier magnitude, divided by the SquareWave Current v/a. The GDP displays the Fourier magnitude values and SquareWave Current. The .FLD-file values are the same.
The XXX refers to the base frequency.
There is one "Amp" array channel for each base frequency present.
Scale Factor
The Scale Factor is a required field, but is only used if the Station Scaling drop down is set to Scale Factor.
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