Geosurface Properties

Use the Geosurface Properties option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Surface.SurfaceProperties;Run)*) to report and modify information about a geosurface file, including information about the file and its contained surfaces, as well as statistical, geospatial and coordinate system information. The Geosurface Properties dialog presents information in different ways, depending on where it was launched from.

You can access the Geosurface Properties dialog from:

  • The Oasis montaj Geosurface > Properties menu

  • The Oasis montaj 3D ViewGeosurface > Geosurface Properties menu

  • The Geosurface Viewer Settings > Properties menu

  • The 3D Viewer Geosurface > Geosurface Properties menu

  • The 3D Viewer and Geosurface Viewer Attributes tab while a Geosurface file is currently selected. Note that two different versions of the dialog will appear depending on whether you have selected the Parent (File level) or the Child (Isosurface level).

Geosurface Properties

Geosurface name

Displays the file name and path of the selected geosurface file.


Displays the minimum and maximum extents in X, Y and Z for all the surfaces in the geosurface file.

Coordinate system

This displays the coordinate system information of the geosurface, if any. Use the Modify button to modify the coordinate system information.

Coordinate system units

This displays the length units of the coordinate system. The geosurface origin and point separations are in these units. Use the Modify button to modify the coordinate system projection and units.

Number of surfaces

The total number of surfaces contained within the geosurface file.

Surface Properties


The name of the selected surface within the geosurface file. All the properties shown below are related to this surface only.

Source file

Depending on how the surface was created, this could be the voxel file from which the isosurfaces were extracted, the Geosoft string file that the surfaces were wireframed from, or any of the supported formats that can be imported to create a geosurface file, such as Autocad DXF, GoCAD Tsurf files, Vulcan Triangulation files, Leapfrog LFM files.

Surface value

If the geosurface file contains isosurfaces, this will report the surface value that was used during creation.

Feature name

If the geosurface file contains wireframes, this will report the String feature that was used during creation.


Displays the minimum and maximum extents in X, Y and Z for the selected surface only.


Reports whether the selected surface is Open or Closed. Closed surfaces can be created as isosurfaces or wireframes, or can be imported from 3rd party formats.


Total surface area of the selected surface.


Total contained volume of the selected surface, if it is closed. Not applicable if the surface is open.


Total number of vertices in the mesh of the selected surface.


Total number of triangles in the mesh of the selected surface.
  • Use the Validate Surface button to perform advanced validation calculations, and to check for any errors in the selected surface.

  • Surface Validation Properties

    Geosurface name

    Displays the file name and path of the selected geosurface file. The default name is the same as the voxel file name.

    Surface name

    The name of the selected surface within the geosurface file. All the properties shown below are related to this surface only.
    Calculated Validation Properties


    Total number of separate, individual components within the selected surface. Components are defined as a set of triangles connected by common edges.

    Valid triangles

    Total number of triangles in the surface minus any detected invalid triangles as described below.

    Valid edges

    Total number of valid edges within the selected surface. Valid edges are the total number of unique edges formed by valid triangles (i.e. common edges will be counted only once).

    Inconsistent triangles

    Total number of inconsistent triangles within the selected surface. Inconsistent triangles do not share the same winding as the others in the surface. The winding determines the direction of the normal vectors for triangles and determines the exterior, or positive side, of the surface.

    Invalid triangles

    Total number of invalid triangles within the selected surface. Invalid triangles can be caused by invalid or duplicated vertex locations.


    Total number of self-intersections within the selected surface. A self-intersection is where any two triangles intersect by sharing a common region or cutting into each other.

    Application Notes

    • When opened from the application menus, the Geosurface Properties dialog has the ability to select any of the contained surfaces in the selected file.
    • When opened from the 3D Viewer or Geosurface Viewer menus, or from the Attributes tab, the properties of the selected surface in the Properties layer tree are available.
    • The Surface Validation Properties dialog, opened when you click the [Validate Surface] button, can be useful to determine if the surface mesh is free of errors or if any errors are present. Errors can lead to incorrect rendering, unexpected behavior, or further errors when the surface is used in Voxel Math.

    *The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.