Section View - Drillhole

In order to plan a drillhole in 3D, first you must position the reference plane where you want to create the new drillhole, then draw the proposed drillhole on the plane. The Reference Plane Tab opens in the 3D Viewer when you press the Section View () button on the 3D Manager toolbar. You can then access the Drillhole toolbar by clicking the Drillhole Tab in the Section View.

Drillhole Toolbar


Use this button to Edit a previously planned drillhole in your current project. A list of planned holes is shown and you can choose which one to edit. The location values are loaded into the panel tools so that you can adjust the hole's location and orientation.


Use this button to Save the current drillhole to your project. If a drillhole with the same name already exists in the project, you will be asked to overwrite.


Use this button to Clear all the parameters on the Drillhole tab.


Launches this help topic.


Draw Collar

Use the Draw Collar button to interactively place the drillhole collar location anywhere on the plane.

Draw Target

Use the Draw Target button to interactively place the drillhole target location anywhere on the plane.

Collar XYZ

The x,y,z location of the collar point in 3D. The Collar location values can be re-positioned using the Draw button, or by typing in new values into the location fields.

Target XYZ

The x,y,z location of the target point in 3D. The Target location values can be re-positioned using the Draw button, or by typing in new values into the location fields.

Calculate collar location from

Select and browse for a grid file. The Collar X,Y location will be used to extract the Z from the provided grid file.
  • You can move the Reference Plane in between defining the collar and target locations.

  • Orientation

    Collar azimuth

    The azimuth (or bearing) of the line connecting the collar and the target points, relative to North.

    Collar dip

    The dip (or inclination) of the line connecting the collar and the target points, relative to horizontal.
  • The Collar azimuth and Collar dip of the drillhole will appear only after both the Collar and Target locations have been defined. You can adjust these values if needed. Note that the Drillhole Azimuth and Dip does not need to be the same as that of the Reference Plane.

  • Properties


    Enter a name for the planned drillhole before saving. This is saved to the "DH_Hole" column in the Collar table of the drillhole project.


    The Description is pre-populated with "Planned Hole", but this can be changed. This is saved to the "DH_Descr" column in the Collar table of the drillhole project.

    Planned length

    This is the straight line distance between the Collar and Target locations. It is shown for informational purposes.

    Extend by

    Select to extend the drillhole by a specified length amount. Enter a distance value to extend past the target location. A red dotted line will appear in the 3D view showing the extension specified. The Planned length will show the total length, including this extension amount.

    Deviation Planning

    After planning a new drillhole, place a check in the Deviation Planning box in order to add directional changes to the planned hole. Deviation changes should be entered as a Depth down the hole, and an Azimuth and Dip value in compass coordinates (e.g. 0 to 360 for Azimuths, -90 to 90 for Dips). After entering one row, the drillhole in the 3D view will update to show the deviated trace in orange, and the original straight hole in black. When you save the planned hole, these directional changes will be saved to the Survey table of the current drillhole project.

    Application Notes

    Use the (X,Y or Z) Shortcut Keys to move the plane in the X, Y or Z axes directions. The plane moves by the amount shown in the Move plane by field.

    Use the Shift +Z Shortcut Key to rotate the plane around the Z axis (changes the Azimuth value). Use the Shift +X Shortcut Key to rotate the plane around the dashed line shown on the plane (changes the Dip value). The plane rotates in 1 degree increments.

    When the clipping options are turned on for the Reference Plane, the spatial clipping sliders under the 3D Manager panel are disabled.