Creating Contact Surface from Geology

You can create a relatively simple subsurface topography grid using the default settings of the Create Contact Surface from Geology option, or change the settings to make a more complex one. Remember that to create this grid, you must have an existing 3D view and open it using 3D| Open 3D View or create a new, blank 3D view by using 3D| New 3D View.

To Create a Subsurface Topography Grid:
  1. With the Drillhole project open, from the DH-Plot menu, select Create Contact Surface from Geology.
    The Create Contact Surface from Geology dialog is displayed.

  2. From the Geology channel drop-down list, select a channel that stores lithology codes.

  3. This drop-down list displays only string channels found in the lithology (“From – To”) database. If the channel you want to select does not appear on the list, verify the database type and format. Ensure that the data type of the required lithology channel is string. If it is not, you need to define the lithology channel’s type correctly while re-importing the data. (You define the channel type in the fourth dialog of Drill Hole Import Wizard).

  1. From the Geology unit drop-down list, select the lithology (rock) type whose surface you want to create.

  2. From the Surface drop-down list, select top or bottom. “Top” refers to the upper surface of the specified lithology unit. “Bottom” refers to the lower surface of the specified lithology unit.

  3. From the of the drop-down list, select first layer, second layer, or last layer. This parameter refers to the location of the lithology unit (counting from the top of the hole) in case a hole intersected a series of units of the same lithology.

  4. For the Output grid name, use the Browse button to specify the name and location of the Contact Surface grid file.

  5. For the Colour table, use the Browse button to select a colour table (.tbl) file, transform (.itr) file, or colour zone (.zon) file for the grid.

  6. Click More to display the advanced parameters for the Create Contact Surface from Geology dialog.

  7. Fill out any of these advanced parameters for your grid to customize it further.

  8. Click OK .

    The grid is displayed in the 3D Viewer.

  1. Use the 3D Manager functionality to rotate, resize, re-colour, and otherwise enhance the graphical representation of the created subsurface topography grid. Click the Help menu on the 3D Viewer for more information on what you can do with 3D views.

    When you close the 3D Viewer the changes you have made are automatically reflected on the map.