Drill 3D - Hole Traces

Use this tab to define the hole traces on the 3D map.

Hole Traces Tab

Hole Trace


Click the Colours button to display the Define Trace Colours tool.

Hole Labels

Hole ID: Top Bot

Check Top or Bottom to display the Hole ID at the top or the bottom of the hole.

Depth at bottom or exit

Check to plot the Depth of the hole at the bottom or exit of the hole.

Size (m)

Specify the Hole label Size.

The hole label sizes must be specified in ground units. All elements and/or groups plotted to a 3D view must be in the units (coordinate system) of that view.

  • If no units are specified, the default units are determined from the DH_EAST channel’s projection information from the collar database of the current project.
  • Font

    Select the hole label Font from the drop down list.

  • To select the colour of the hole labels, click in the box to the right of the Size (mm) box. The Colour tool will be displayed.
  • Depth Ticks

    Plot Depth Ticks

    Check to plot depth ticks along the hole trace.

    Left side Right side

    Check the Left side or Right side radio button to determine which side of the hole trace to plot the depth ticks on.

    Tick interval (m)

    Specify the tick interval.

    The tick interval must be specified in ground units. All elements and/or groups plotted to a 3D view must be in the units (coordinate system) of that view.

    Tick size (m)

    Specify the tick size.

    The tick size must be specified in ground units. All elements and/or groups plotted to a 3D view must be in the units (coordinate system) of that view.

    Plot Depth Labels

    Check to plot depth labels along the hole trace.

    Size (m)

    Specify the depth label font size.

    The depth label font size must be specified in ground units. All elements and/or groups plotted to a 3D view must be in the units (coordinate system) of that view.

  • To select the colour of the depth labels, click in the box to the right of the Size (m) box. The Colour Tool will be displayed.
  • Font

    Select the depth labels Font from the drop down list.

    Application Notes

    All elements and/or groups (planes) plotted to a 3D view must be in the units (coordinate system) of that view. If no units are specified, the default units are determined from the DH_EAST channel’s projection information from the collar database of the current project.