Offset Tab

Use the Offset tab to select some of the more specialized offset channel operators used in math expressions. 

Statistics Operators





Returns value of channel at a specific fiducial in current line.



Returns first value of channel in current line.



Returns last value of channel in current line



Returns channel value offset by the specified units of fiducials. The value in brackets is n units of fiducial and not an index. If fiducials are in smaller increments than 1, for example, 0.1, ensure you are inserting the correct offset value, based on your fiducial increment.

  • Tooltips that include an argument and short descriptive name are provided for each tab item.
  • The use of temporary variables (preceded by @ operator) is not supported by the new Offset dot (.) functions.
  • The elements of an Array (e.g., C1[1]) are not currently supported by the new Offset dot (.) functions.