Special Tab

Use the Special tab to select some of the more specialized functions used in math expressions. 

Special Tab options 




Math Functions

min(,) The minimum value of 2 channels along each row.


The maximum value of 2 channels along each row.


Integer ratio of 2 channels along each row. If floating division is preferred, you can use the / operation, which can be accessed from the Common Keys.

The output of division by zero is DUMMY. If either of the 2 channels are DUMMY, the output is set to DUMMY.


 Transfer the sign of the leftmost argument to the rightmost argument.

SIGN(-1,10) = -10

SIGN(-1,-10) = -10

SIGN(1,10) = 10

SIGN(1,-10) = 10


Next highest whole value of the specified channel.


Next lowest whole value of the specified channel.


Absolute value of the specified channel.


Round up or down the value of the specified channel to a whole value.



The leftmost argument is a channel, while arguments 2 & 3 define the minimum and maximum of a range, outside of which the channel values are set to DUMMY.


The leftmost argument is a channel, while arguments 2 & 3 define the minimum and maximum of a range, outside of which the channel values are set to the limiting value.


randbetween (,)

Generate random numbers, between user specified minimum and maximum. To create a new channel and populate it with random values, you must indicate the channel from which to acquire the fiducial start & increment; this is done by specifying the base channel at the end of the equation after the semicolon, i.e.,


C0 is created at the same fiducials as C1.

Application Notes

  • Tooltips that include an argument and short descriptive name are provided for each tab item.
  • For all the above functions, if the output channel does not exist and the expression does not contain a channel from which to acquire attributes such as start fiducial and increment and data type, you will be prompted to enter a master channel from which to extract the attributes for the new channel about to be created.