channel header cells
The cells immediately right of the ID cell are called channel header cells. These cells are used to identify a unique type of data contained in a column of the spreadsheet. The data for a channel appear below the channel header.
The channel headers provide a visual indication of the current status of the displayed channel. If the top left corner of the header cell is marked by a black triangle, the channel is read-only, and it may not be modified. A red line at the bottom of the header cell indicates that the channel has been re-sampled in order to present a view of the data with one of the other channels on the screen.
Current X and Y (and Z) Channels
In Oasis montaj, the"current" coordinate (X, Y and optionally Z) channels are used to map or plot the data. This capability enables users to select the channels that they would like to use as the current X and Y (and Z) channels (for example, East, North, and Relative Level).
To set the current X and Y (and Z) channels, using the Coordinates > Set Current X,Y,Z menu option, select the names of the new coordinate channels. You can also use this menu item to review the current settings for the X and Y channels. Markers have been added to the channel header to indicate which channels are currently defined to be the "current" X, Y (and Z) channels. The markers are small rectangles on the right side of the header cell, and contain "x", "y" or "z" in reversed display.
When you alter the current coordinate channels (Coordinates > Set Coordinate System), these markers change as well. Normally, you will just get "x" and "y", but if you have a "Z" channel you will get the "z" as well. The "z" will be used in Drillhole databases, where DH_EAST = "x", DH_NORTH = "y", and DH_RL = "z".
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