Create Your Own Custom Menus

If you find that you use specific GXs more often than others or that you have a specific set of GXs that you run in sequence, you may want to add them to your own custom menus. This can be accomplished by creating Oasis montaj menu files.

A menu file is simply an ASCII text file with the *.omn or *.smn extension containing the menus and submenus that run specific Geosoft eXecutables (GXs), GX.Net procedures, and dependencies attached to a specified menu. There are a variety of menus available including:

  • the main menu system in Oasis montaj, coremenus_main.omn.
  • sub-menus, e.g. map_tools.smn.
  • specific application menus such as magmap.omn or euler3d.omn.

Normally, a menu consists of a menu name, items, separators, and submenus. The elements in a menu are summarized in the table below:

Menu Element

What it Controls


The slash indicates a descriptive comment line.


The text that will appear in the Oasis montaj menu bar.


Text or label and a program name (e.g., basemap.gx). It can also include Geosoft Script files (.GS) which correspond to groups of Gxs and commands.

In order for an "ITEM" to appear in Oasis montaj, the corresponding Geosoft eXecutable (GX) or Geosoft Script (GS) must be in your Geosoft directory (i.e., the menu system has certain product dependencies).


Draws a horizontal line to indicate groups of related functions.


Defines cascading menus that provide access to groups of related functions, such as Map Tools functions.
Used in combination with the additional MENU command.


Loads a submenu (SMN) file.

In order for a menu that has a dependency to appear, you must be licensed for that product.

Hot Keys (&)

The ampersand (&) provides keyboard access to menus, items and submenus. When you click Alt+Hot Key, the system displays that menu or submenu, or it runs the corresponding item.


Integer numbers enclosed in square brackets indicate which products must be present for a specific menu to appear. This is an Oasis montaj specified value that you cannot directly control.

Create a Menu File

  1. The best way to see how this is done is to copy and edit one of the OMN files shipped with Oasis montaj.
  2. ClosedExpand to see a fragment from a typical OMN file (geophysics_levelling.omn)

  3. Store your custom menu files (OMN, SMN) in your user menu folder: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Geosoft\Desktop Applications\omn.
  4. Use the Project > Manage Menus option to add your custom menu(s) to the main toolbar in your Oasis montaj project.

If you are missing a GX, GS or a product, click here for technical support and resources.