Copy a Surface

Use the Copy a Surface option (geogxnet.dll(Geosoft.GX.Surface.CopyMeshToSurface;Run)*) to copy a surface from one geosurface file to another geosurface file. This allows you to organize meshes (surfaces) from different sources into the same geosurface file.

Since all surfaces in a geosurface file must have the same coordinate system, the surface to be copied will be reprojected "on the fly" if the coordinate systems of the two geosurface files differ.

You can access the option from the following locations:

  • The Geosurface > Utilities menu

  • The 3D ViewGeosurface > Utilities menu

  • The 3D Viewer Geosurface > Utilities menu

Copy a Surface dialog options

Input geosurface

Select the "source" geosurface file.

If the input geosurface does not have a valid coordinate system (CS), this field will be flagged. If you choose to proceed, the CS of the source (the input geosurface) will match the CS of the target (the output geosurface) and no reprojection of the surface will occur.

Script Parameter: CopyGeosurfaceFile.InputSourceName

Surface to copy

Expand the list to select the surface to be copied. These are all the surfaces contained in the input geosurface.

The input surface attributes (colour, transparency, clipping settings as well as the mesh render mode) will be retained in the copying process.

Script Parameter: CopyGeosurfaceFile.SelectSurfaceItem

Output geosurface

Select an existing "target" geosurface file or specify a new geosurface file. The new geosurface file will inherit the coordinate system (CS) of the input geosurface file (the source).

If the output geosurface file (the target) already exists:

  • If the CS of the source and target differ, the copied surface is automatically reprojected into the target's CS.
  • If a surface name being copied already exists in the target, an incremented number will be added to the duplicate name in order to make it unique. You can then open the output geosurface in Geosurface Viewer and change the name of the copied surface.

If the target does not have a valid coordinate system (CS), this field will be flagged. If you choose to proceed, the CS from the source is assigned to the target (and to all of its other surfaces).

Script Parameter CopyGeosurfaceFile.OutputSourceName

*The GX tool will search in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \gx" folder. The GX.Net tools, however, are embedded in the geogxnet.dll located in the "...\Geosoft\Desktop Applications \bin" folder. If running this GX interactively, bypassing the menu, first change the folder to point to the "bin" folder, then supply the GX.Net tool in the specified format.